Patient Information
- OPCC is accepting new patients in our medical, behavioral health and dental clinics.
- New patients must fill out a new patient packet and complete an intake interview.
- Intake is every Monday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Please check in with reception by 12 p.m.
- No appointment is necessary for new patient intake interviews.
- Interviews are conducted on a first come, first serve basis so be prepared with something to do (bring a book, tablet, phone, etc;) in case you come on a busy day and have to wait.
- If you are signing up for Dental services please bring a proof of income (SSI documentation, Bank statements, Last 3 pay stubs, etc;)
- Dental operates on a sliding fee scale so proof of income is necessary (you will only be charged for services rendered while with a dentist based on where you are on the sliding fee scale)
- Most of our dental patients are on a "by donation" basis and may be asked for a $10.00 donation when seeing a dentist
- OPCC does not decline services for an inability to pay.
PLEASE download our new patient packet here. Please fill out the packet completely before your interview.